"Uh... What?" He said, squinting, and looking sideways.
This has me completely befuttled.
There's an investment firm that sees SCO as a good investment. Worth $100M, no less.
Really, I think this says all that needs to be said.
A company whose principle product for the last five years has been what amounts to poorly-thought-out extortive slip-and-fall litigation, in which it has been found, not only to not be right, but to be not even be wrong... This is a good place to put one hundred million Dollars?! A quick note for Stephen Norris Capital Partners: Y'know the snow removal at my apartment complex is usually pretty shabby... Perhaps we could come to an understanding....?
I mean I've made some stupid purchases in my time, but... I don't feel so bad about them now.
There's an investment firm that sees SCO as a good investment. Worth $100M, no less.
Really, I think this says all that needs to be said.
A company whose principle product for the last five years has been what amounts to poorly-thought-out extortive slip-and-fall litigation, in which it has been found, not only to not be right, but to be not even be wrong... This is a good place to put one hundred million Dollars?! A quick note for Stephen Norris Capital Partners: Y'know the snow removal at my apartment complex is usually pretty shabby... Perhaps we could come to an understanding....?
I mean I've made some stupid purchases in my time, but... I don't feel so bad about them now.