MSW Vista: The "meh" begins... what rhymes with "meh"?
This article really comes as no surprise.
Rather than making Vista revolutionary... by, say, eliminating the need for anti-malware software, Microsoft has added its own anti-malware-ware. Sigh.
Rather than providing its users with a powerful and fast CLI, Microsoft has opted to add still more bloat in the form of Vista's new "Aero" UI.
Parental controls. Uh. One more place where parents choose to abdicate the responsibility for raising their kids.
I'm not impressed. Apparently, I'm not the only one. This article and these comments suggest that a large segment of the population is ... unmoved.
The "meh" began today.
Rather than making Vista revolutionary... by, say, eliminating the need for anti-malware software, Microsoft has added its own anti-malware-ware. Sigh.
Rather than providing its users with a powerful and fast CLI, Microsoft has opted to add still more bloat in the form of Vista's new "Aero" UI.
Parental controls. Uh. One more place where parents choose to abdicate the responsibility for raising their kids.
I'm not impressed. Apparently, I'm not the only one. This article and these comments suggest that a large segment of the population is ... unmoved.
The "meh" began today.